The Halloween franchise has lasted multiple decades and remains incredibly successful. Many actors have donned the Michael Myers Mask and the character is one of the most infamous antagonist...
There are certain character tropes that are prevalent in the horror genre. You have your final girls, you have your comic relief, stoners, and then you’ve got your badass alpha male heroes. Som...
When the poster for The Exorcism first dropped, a certain sect of horror fans was positively gleeful about the fact that Russell Crowe had ostensibly made the same movie twice, in quick succession. Ho...
It’s a pretty standard idea that straight to video is the bottom of the barrel for horror films. Of course, things are different now. In the VOD era, filmmakers would kill for a straight to vid...
In a time of remakes, reboots, re-imaginings and so forth, the genre fan has a narrowed selection in terms of originality. This debatable lack of creativity divides audiences on a regular basis. Wheth...
Evil Dead II is a very similar movie to the first in terms of setting and plot. The sequel opens with a bit of backstory on the Book of the Dead. Said book would not be referred to as the Necronomicon...
Unlike his nemesis Freddy Krueger, Jason has never had much of a consistent portrayal on film. Sure, for awhile there it seemed things had changed. But now we’re back right where we started, wi...
Most people reading this have probably never heard of Project: Metalbeast. That’s not a criticism of the horror community. There are so many forgotten gems. And plenty of people who have seen t...
Revenge is a tricky proposition in horror cinema. It can take many different forms. Most common are supernatural slashers or rape/revenge features. Horror, being as wide and weird and fluid as it is, ...