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Top 10 Lists

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors

Nat’s Five (Additional) Picks to Watch on Halloween

We all have certain things that we love to watch around the Halloween season, if not on the day itself. Sometims they’re the movies that best represent the holiday for us, some have nostal...

Horror Performances by A-List Actors Misery 1990 - Horror movies with an incredibly simple premise

Eight Gross-Out Horror Scenes We Can’t Help But Watch

Every horror fan has their own threshold when it comes to tolerating how far a movie goes. It comes down to personal taste. Some people can handle extreme amounts of gore, some can handle very little....


Cassie’s Top 5 Halloween Favorites

As someone who watches horror movies all year round, I usually reserve the month of October for Halloween-centric movies and shows. It always bugs me when so-called “Halloween horror” li...

Pumpkinhead - Nat's Favorite Horror Movies to Watch on Halloween

Seven Dead Franchises That Should be Revived

Franchises are a large and admittedly crucial part of the horror genre. The series that have spawned the most movies tend to resonate in people’s minds, for good or bad. Jason Voorhees, Fr...

Blood Drinkers to Grain Pickers: Weirdest Vampire Legends from Around the World

We all love vampires. Even if the latest teen-vampire fad has mostly come and gone, there’s a cultural fascination that will never go away. People may complain that vampires are played out and ...

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Comic

Five Jaw-Dropping Moments in Buffy You Might Have Missed

Eighteen years after the series premiered, we’re still talking about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. More than that, we’re talking about it as if it went off the air only yesterday. The s...

Goosebumps Haunted Mask

Halloween-Themed TV Episodes to Add to Your Seasonal Viewing List

Every horror fan is probably compiling together their list of the horror movies they have to watch in October to feel as though they’ve fully participated in the Halloween season. For most of u...

Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Cosmic Frights: Alien Invasion Movies That Don’t Get the Credit They Deserve

We don’t tend to think of aliens as creepy. They’re firmly rooted within the science fiction genre, but have made a huge mark on virtually every other genre as well. Some of the bes...

Bottom 5: Worst Of Frightfest 2016

Even the best festival line-ups have their duds, but in the case of Frightfest 2016, there were very few outright stinkers to rage over. It was an incredibly strong schedule overall, replete with soon...