Rob Zombie has shared the first photo of Malcolm McDowell in costume as Father Murder in his upcoming killer clown film 31. Naturally, we have it available for you to check out after the jum...
E3 is upon us and the reveals just don’t stop coming. Dark Souls 3 being officially announced may come as a surprise to some, since From Software just released their critically acclaim...
This just in: Bates Motel has been greenlit for two more seasons at A&E. The two season order means a guaranteed grand total of at least 20 more episodes of the Norman Bates origin story. You...
The latest installment in the Halloween series will be titled Halloween Returns. It will be a standalone effort (unrelated to the original franchise and also separate from Rob Zomb...
With the E3 Electronic Entertainment Expo going on all this week in Hollywood, many gamers have been excited to see what we’ll get a closer look at and very few games have more hype right ...
We’ve been hearing rumblings about a new DOOM title for a while now, with beta access even being a pre-order bonus for Wolfenstein: The New Order back in 2014. DOOM is a reboot of...
The latest in the unconventional release saga for The Town that Dreaded Sundown remake will see the film headed for home video in the near future. We have the full details on that ...
After the intense, action-filled, and bloody finale of season 2, NBC’s Hannibal returned for round three with less of a bang and more of a whimper for its season opener. But now two episodes in,...
We recently shared the first official, full length Scream Queens trailer with you. And we now have the first official one sheet for your to feast your eyes on. Not surprisingly, the pos...