Home » Nine Great Exorcism Movies You Need to See

Nine Great Exorcism Movies You Need to See

Why Exorcism Movies Have to Try Harder to Be Different - Possession Movies - The infamous exorcism movie directed by William Friedkin and written by William Peter Blatty.

An exorcism is the practice of evicting demons or other spiritual entities from a person or an area they are believed to have possessed. For many horror fans like myself, I thoroughly enjoy movies based around exorcisms. With an array of demonic, possession and exorcism movies to choose from I list some of my favorites. Read on below to find out my possession movie picks and let us know your favorite exorcism movie in the comments box provided below!


This is the daddy of all exorcism movies. The Exorcist, directed by William Friedkin and written by William Peter Blatty,  made the biggest impact on its audience to date. The puke gargling, crudely mouthed young lady Regan Macneil, played by Linda Blair, taught us how not to treat your mother. The exorcism was a legendary cinematic venture that graphically portrayed an epic struggle between human life and a demonic force. It provided inspiration and paved the way for a number of exorcist movies to come. While catering to nightmares for many of those who saw it. If your child interrupts your evening shindig in their need for the bathroom, run, just run!


The king of all exorcism movies and the one that inspired many for years to come.


Directed by James Wan and starring Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson, The Conjuring, brought to us a scary haunted house that likes to freak out and possess its occupants, and kill any kids inside. How lovely. The exorcism that took place gave us a normally nice lady turned into a blood spewing, chair spinning, child hater. Based on true stories The Conjuring did a great job in freaking us out with dolls, kids toys and that clap game. If someone tickling your feet in bed and the smell of rotting meat wasn’t bad enough, your sister’s head banging with the demon in the closet is. No, I don’t want to play hide and seek. Clap, Clap.


The movie The Conjuring starring Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga, directed by James Wan.


The Last Exorcism, directed by Daniel Stamm, gave us lessons on how to bend over backwards for people and climb wardrobes. Possessed Nell, played by Ashley Bell did a good job in her role and the exorcism scene may not have been the best in the bunch but the sacrifice of the baby into the fire was at least different. The premise of this movie is the most scary thing unfortunately but I still loved parts all the same. Hail Abalam. Believe in Him. He has great plans for you.

The exorcism film you either love or hate, starring Ashley Bell.


The well-known true story exorcism film based on Anneliese Michel that was one of the first to do the twisted, stretched open mouth scary face thing. Directed by Scott Derrickson, The Exorcism of Emily Rose exorcism in the barn is one of my personal favorites. The black eyes, repetitive 1,2,3,4,5,6 and revealing of the six demons that dwell within sent goosebumps up my arm the first time I watched it. Jennifer Carpenter did an amazing job in playing the possessed role. Anyone that can speak five different languages straight off the tongue with no lessons, is probably Lucifer, the Devil in the flesh!

The Exorcism of Emily Rose directed by Scott Derrickson.


Directed by Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza, REC 2 is a mind-bender movie that made you believe something in the first, but twists its head on you in the second to help you experience the evil that is truly happening. More scary kids and dirty mouthed children, REC 2 had some great Priest Vs Demon action. Zombies are bad enough, but demon zombies are a whole new blood game. When trapped in a building, never go up, go down. Unless you’re Spider-man.


the rec franchise was original and daring making us believe its just about zombies but it has a much more demonic premise.


Another demonic movie based on true events, The Possession, directed by Ole Bornedal and starring Jeffrey Dean Morgan taught us not to try and open any box that has been purposely sealed up. Especially if it has Hebrew writing on it. No one wants all their teeth to break and fall out, and teachers should watch out for those freaky kids and perhaps not always take away their toys. The exorcism that took place gave us a strong and demonic little girl who runs off to play her own version of hide and seek. Daddy, you scared me.

The movie The Possession based on the real documentary about a jewish Dybbuk box that is currently in the hands of Jason Haxton.


Directed by Francis Lawrence, Constantine stars a well known cast such as Keanu Reeves, Rachel Weisz, Tilda Swinton, Peter Stormare, Djimon Hounsou and Shia LaBeouf, to name a few. It tells a great story between the good and bad influence on humanity. Not all who walk among us are human. The exorcisms are freaky and effective and scary as Hell. Literally. Do good and you’ll get good back in return, otherwise, Hell is waiting for you. Middle finger, for The Boss.

.Constantine movie with an all star cast such as Keanu Reeves, Shia Labeouf, Rachel Weisz, Peter Stormare and Tilda Swinton.


Not such a known exorcism movie, but The Devil in Me (also known as Devil Seed), directed by Greg A. Sager, has a couple of very freaky scenes. If your best mate starts to watch you sleep, performs acts of a sexual nature upon you when she’s normally quite reserved, or knows things that she shouldn’t, then run before she tries to kill you. The newly-crude mouthed young lady Alex, played by Michelle Argyris, is the innocent virgin that the devil chooses to plant his demon spawn within. The priest should have maybe stayed away. That’s one labor that’s sure to hurt in more ways than one.


Devil Seed tells the story of pretty innocent student Alex who is has the devil spawn her with his seed, wanting to be born.


If someone can tell you that you have money within a bag that they cant see through, they are either a magician, or possessed by a demon. The Rite, based on true events directed by Mikael Håfström and starring Anthony Hopkins is a great exorcism ride. Or Rite. Creepy kids who know things the devil tells them, freaky pregnant women and a Priest that takes a turn for the worse. You do not speak to it. It is the devil. Choosing not to believe in the devil doesn’t protect you from him. Lickety split.

The Rite starring Anthony Hopkins is a great exorcism movie that horror fans should check out.

Which from the above, or even if not listed, is your favorite exorcism movie? Let us know your possession pick below!

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Written by Nicola Odeku
Nicola Odeku is the co-founder of Wicked Horror. After managing a fashion and lifestyle magazine, in addition to writing her own published relationship articles, Nicola set up team with Arturo and followed her genuine love for horror. Also known as Miss Horror, Nicola is a big fan of hardcore gore, anything demonic, and disturbing cinema. Also cats. She looooves cats. Nicola enjoys traveling, sitting on a beach and eating cake.
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