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Wes Cravens New Nightmare

Wes Craven Movies New Nightmare

Overlooked Wes Craven Movies That Need More Love!

The late Wes Craven is widely regarded as a master of horror. Of all the modern horror directors, he may have become the most mainstream, being the creative force behind not only the Nightmare on Elm ...

Nathan Baesel as the titular character in Scott Glosserman's Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon.

Five Movies That Show Mad Love for the Horror Genre (That Aren’t Scream)

We horror fans love our movies. We love talking about them, we love reading about them, and many of us even enjoy writing about them. So it makes sense that we would also enjoy films that show the sam...

Wes Craven Movies New Nightmare

Women in Horror Talk Wes Craven’s New Nightmare

The 2017 Women in Horror Film Festival saw female writers, producers, directors and actresses gathered in Fayetteville, GA to celebrate diversity in the horror genre. The festival held a special scree...

A Nightmare on Elm Street - The Weird Unspoken Double Standard of Horror Movies

The Five Best and Four Worst Entries in the Nightmare on Elm Street Franchise

Wes Craven’s A Nightmare on Elm Street is one of the greatest horror movies ever made. That statement should be a given, but somehow there are still plenty who question it. Nightmare ...

The classic slasher Scream directed by Wes Craven.

Top Ten Wes Craven Movies

[soliloquy id=”10851″] Wes Craven is one of the major maestros of the horror genre, having provided it with two of its most lucrative franchises (Nightmare on Elm Street and Scream) as wel...