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valentines day


Why Valentine is a Respectable Alternative To My Bloody Valentine

There are a ton of options for what to watch on Valentine’s Day, but for me it usually comes down to George Mihalka’s 1981 My Bloody Valentine and Jamie Blanks’ 2001 film Valentine. ...

The Walking Dead

Find That Special, Zombie-Loving Someone With Match.com And The Walking Dead!

If you’re feeling lonely this Valentine’s Day, stuck wondering whether you’ll ever meet that special, horror-loving someone, Match.com is here to save the day–with a little ...

My Bloody Valentine 2: Miner Discomfort

Top Five Horror Films to Watch on Valentine’s Day

Hello my creepy friends! Since Valentine’s Day is right around the corner I thought it would be timely and appropriate to share my Top 5 picks to watch on Valentine’s Day! I know a lo...

Anti Valentine's Day Films Australian horror the loved ones directed by sean bryne

10 Great Anti-Valentines Day Horror Movies

Valentine’s Day, AKA the most romantic day of the year (snort), is upon us yet again. Although the majority of film fans will be settling down for a quiet night in with Richard Gere/Richard Curt...

My Bloody Valentine 3D Movie Poster.

Why My Bloody Valentine 3D is More Important Than You Remember

[soliloquy id=”18114″] My Bloody Valentine 3D is an important movie, maybe even in spite of itself. However, for me to properly explain why, you need to come on a journey with me. Allow me...