Kill Switch revolves around Will Porter (The Guest’s Dan Stevens) a physicist and former NASA pilot, who is recruited by the company Alterplex to aid their mission to change the world by providi...
Anticipating release dates for horror films can be just as much fun as actually watching them. Ideally I would love to be the first in line at every horror movie premiere, or to be the first customer ...
Lavender revolves around Jane (Abbie Cornish, Limitless, Sucker Punch), a photographer who is involved in a tense marriage with her husband Alan (Diego Klattenhoff, star of TV’s The Blacklist a...
It’s kind of hard to believe that Suicide Squad is less than two months away from its theatrical release, considering the promotional machine seems to be in overdrive at the moment. The flick is...
I absolutely love Ghostbusters. In fact, I think it’s pretty much a perfect movie. Even if you just look at the structure, there is not one scene that doesn’t need to be there. All of th...
We have two new images from the highly anticipated DC super villain flick Suicide Squad. They come courtesy of the film’s writer director David Ayer on Twitter. One is a firs...
[soliloquy id=”14425″] I was introduced to the 1990 miniseries, IT, based on the novel by Stephen King, at the tender at of six. At the time my bedroom was clown themed. Two days late...
[soliloquy id=”8239″] 13 Sins, directed by Daniel Stamm, proves that there a very few things some people are not willing to do in exchange for money. Elliot Brindle (Mark Webber- Jessabell...
[soliloquy id=”822″] Here’s an interesting pairing. Keanu Reeves and Eli Roth are doing a movie together, so reports Deadline. The film is being directed by Eli Roth and is called Kn...