Home » Universal Monsters

Universal Monsters

political horror

Horror Has Always Been Political. Get Over it.

Over the years, the horror genre has adapted and grown. Whether good, bad, or indifferent, there’s no preventing its evolution. The new millennium has afforded a new group of filmmakers the oppo...

Christopher Lee Dracula Adaptation

How Hammer Films Revived the Horror Genre

From the 1930s into the early 1950s, Universal Pictures dominated the horror genre. During the age of the gothic, supernatural movie, they were king. Things began to change heading into the 1950s. Cul...

Universal Classic Monsters

Universal Classic Monsters: The Complete 30-Film Collection is a Must Own for Classic Horror Fans [Blu-ray Review]

The Universal Monsters are and will always be the premiere legacy franchises in horror. Before New Line was the House That Freddy Built, Universal built itself on the backs of Dracula and Frankenstein...

Invisible Man 1933

The Invisible Man is Actually the Scariest Universal Monster

There are a lot of reasons why the original Universal Monsters will always be hailed as the “classic” monsters. Dracula and Frankenstein are both timeless stories and while those adaptat...

The Wolfman 2010

Script to Pieces: Mark Romanek’s The Wolfman

Welcome to Script to Pieces, a recurring feature at Wicked Horror where we look at the best, most interesting and at times most unbelievable horror movies that never happened. Sometimes...

The Mummy

What Universal’s Dark Universe Franchise Can Learn from The Mummy

So, The Mummy’s been out for a few weeks now, but I think it still warrants discussion. Usually, I’m one to try and defend something, even if it doesn’t gain much critical praise,...

still from Creature From the Black Lagoon

Script to Pieces: John Carpenter’s Creature from the Black Lagoon

Welcome to Script to Pieces, a recurring feature at Wicked Horror where we look at the best, most interesting and at times most unbelievable horror movies that never happened. Sometimes...

Mighty Max

Pocket Monsters: Why Mighty Max Was One of the Weirdest, Greatest Toy Fads of the ’90s

There’s a lot you probably remember about the ‘90s. Goosebumps. Animorphs. Dunkaroos. Dawson’s Creek. Crystal Pepsi—but there are a lot of things you probably don’t ...

Wolf Man

Why the Wolf Man is Such an Enduring Movie Monster

There’s no better time than the Halloween season to go back and watch through the classic catalogue of Universal monsters. For many fans, this will always be the classic era. This was the time ...

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