Home » The Nightmare Before Christmas

The Nightmare Before Christmas

Tim Burton didn’t direct The Nightmare Before Christmas

Five Movies You Might be Surprised Tim Burton Didn’t Direct

Tim Burton may not necessarily be known as a horror director, but he has always had one foot in the genre. Even his early mainstream work like Pee Wee’s Big Adventure and Batman have their scar...

Something Wicked This Way Comes Children - Children's horror

Five Children’s Horror Movies That are Surprisingly Good

Children’s horror is a fairly overlooked genre, which is surprising, considering that we are definitely in the age of the young adult novel. YA books are being consumed by all audiences from ju...


Six Creepy Trick or Treaters We Wouldn’t Want to Be Visited By

If the horror genre’s obsession with slasher villains has taught us anything, it’s that masks are super creepy. There’s something about not knowing who’s under there that j...