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surreal horror

Lord of Tears Director Shows Us The Unkindness of Ravens

Back in 2013, director Lawrie Brewster unleashed Lord of Tears onto the world, and if you follow my Cult Corner reviews, you’ll know that it’s a movie that I am quite fond of. It far exc...

salvage violence

Cult Corner: Salvage (2006)

Welcome to Cult Corner where we dive through the bargain bins to determine if a movie is trash or treasure. Today’s pick… the Crook Brothers’ Salvage. This is a difficult review for...

Starry Eyes - Recent horror movies that went overlooked - recent horror movies that prove surrealist horror is making a comeback

Recent Movies That Prove Surrealist Horror is Making a Comeback

Surrealism is all-but considered a lost art when it comes to horror movies. Italian horror was known for it, particularly, in the giallos. But for the most part that has disappeared. Italian horror fi...