Cursed Films is a series that recently premiered its debut episode on Shudder. The show highlights the hexed histories of some horror classics. The horror genre manifests occult-oriented oddities by i...
Well, here we are. It is with a heavy heart that I remind you the debut season of the anthology series Creepshow has come to an end. We’ve laughed, we’ve shuddered (get it?) and we’v...
“For God’s sake, don’t let it in.” Gather ’round the fire (or whatever Yule Log is available online) as we tune in for another thrilling episode of Shudder’s C...
Since its highly anticipated release back in September, Shudder’s anthology series Creepshow, based on the 1982 movie of the same name, has been nothing short of a smash hit. This Halloween thus...
Happy October, Creeps! You must be living under a rock if you don’t know about Shudder’s Creepshow. Since it’s debut on September 26th fans have welcomed the series with open, vampir...
Ever since its first teaser dropped back in July at San Diego Comic Con, those with a love of vintage horror eagerly awaited the release of Shudder’s Creepshow. And what’s not to be excite...
Welcome back boils and ghouls! Now, unless you’ve been living under a rock, you already know your favorite streaming service, Shudder, is bringing the Halloween spirit to us a whole month early....
When the horror bug bit me as a kid, I made it my mission then and there, to consume everything I could get my hands on. I distinctly remember those films that cemented my love for all things macabre....
My introduction to Joe Bob Briggs was more than 20 years ago. I was changing channels one Saturday evening and stumbled across Troll, the 1986 cult classic about child-abducting dwarf monsters that tu...