Home » Psycho Goreman

Psycho Goreman

Joey’s Top 10 Horror Movies of 2021

Even with the world falling apart around us, 2021 was a stellar year for horror. For those of us who have been obsessed with the genre for much of our lives, that comes as no surprise, since horror ha...


Ryan C. Bradley’s Top 10 Movies 2021

I feel weird reflecting on 2021 publicly, because I got one piece of horrible news that isn’t mine to share and two pieces of great news, one which I’ll share once the contract is signed...

Psycho Goreman

Psycho Goreman is the Heckin’ Best! [Blu-ray Review]

I mourn the dissolution of Astron 6 and I will watch just about anything created by former members of the collective. And on that note, I’m pleased to say that Psycho Goreman feels ve...