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new orleans

Madame LaLaurie

Madame LaLaurie: The Infamous Murderess Of New Orleans

In terms of serial killers, most of us will think of the stereotypical older Caucasian male with creepy glasses and a smile that sends a shiver up the spine. That is a fairly accurate representation, ...

Sally of the Wasteland

Comic Review: Sally of the Wasteland, Vol. 1

In post-apocalyptic Louisiana, a fiery, feminine fusion of Ash Campbell and Lara Croft blows the head off another wild Crawgator.  Written by Victor Gishler and illustrated by Tazio Bettin, Sally...

Kate Hudson who stars in the movie The Skeleton Key directed Iain Softley.

The Skeleton Key- Hoodoo House

[soliloquy id=”2137″] Directed by Iain Softley and starring Kate Hudson, The Skeleton Key has an interesting story, a good twist and Softley makes the most of its creepy New Orleans locati...