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mummy movies

The Mummy - Dracula - Mummies on Film

How The Movie That Set the Template for Dracula Movies Wasn’t Even a Dracula Movie

Tod Browning’s Dracula certainly had an impact on the vampire genre. Over seventy years later, Bela Lugosi as the Count is still the most recognizable on-screen vampire. And while it has always...

The Mummy Returns

Six Female Mummy Movies to Prepare You For Universal’s Upcoming Reboot

So Universal’s Mummy reboot has a female mummy and this has people up in arms, although not as much as the fact that Tom Cruise was cast as the lead. I can understand people being upset about C...

The Mummy - Dracula - Mummies on Film

Cursed: The Troubled History of Mummies on Film

Mummies haven’t really gotten their due on film. They’ve never been as popular as vampires or werewolves and zombies have always been the ruling class of shambling corpses. Sure, there h...

Poster for Universal's 1932 movie The Mummy

Horror History: Mummies in Movies

Mummies—both natural and man-made—have been found on every continent on the world, however it is the Egyptian mummy that holds the most mystique to the general public. This is at least p...

Movie Monsters That Should Take the Reigns Once Zombie Mania is Over

When zombies returned with huge success in the mid-2000’s, I couldn’t have been happier. They were a staple of the genre, after all, a cornerstone in the pantheon of movie monsters. Zomb...

Frankenstein vs. The Mummy

Director Damien Leone Talks Frankenstein vs. The Mummy

Frankenstein vs. The Mummy is an all-new independent horror film set for a Feb. 10 release that promises to bring together two of the biggest titans of terror in history. The referee of this fight, di...