Hit horror movie Jeepers Creepers captivated audiences with the simple story of a brother sister duo crossing paths with a bloodthirsty maniac called The Creeper. While it is a thrilling (some might s...
It’s been a little while since we had any tangible news on the upcoming Jeepers Creepers sequel, Jeepers Creepers 3. But it appears that things are definitely moving on that front (finally). Acc...
One of the reasons I’ve always found the horror genre to be so special is because there are so many different subgenres within. There is literally something for everybody, whether...
Jeepers Creepers surprised everyone by being a sleeper hit when originally released in 2001. It was casually embraced by fans of the time, but we’re now seeing a whole group of young horror fan...
A lot of buzz has been surrounding the production of Jeepers Creepers 3. A Canadian casting agency actually pulled down a casting notice after concern about director Victor Salva’s past aro...
Today brings the news that Gina Phillips (Jeepers Creepers) may be poised to reprise her role from the 2001 original film. A BD tipster close to the production has suggested that this is the...
[soliloquy id=”4339″] We heard news last November – via Shock Till You Drop – that Jeepers Creepers 3 was indeed moving forward but it appears that the long awaited a...
[soliloquy id=”4347″] Jeepers Creepers 2 picks up right after the first film leaves off. The Creeper is at the end of his feeding cycle but still has some snacking to do. While trolling fo...
In the dictionary, a creature is defined as “an animal, especially a nonhuman: the creatures of the woods and fields; a creature from outer space.” or “anything crea...