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Horror Histories

Poster for Universal's 1932 movie The Mummy

Horror History: Mummies in Movies

Mummies—both natural and man-made—have been found on every continent on the world, however it is the Egyptian mummy that holds the most mystique to the general public. This is at least p...

The Devil and Daniel Webster

My Soul to the Devil: A Cultural History

Nearly every major religion has a belief system based on good and bad, and each of those religions has a malevolent figure who rules over the bad. The Christian-based faith groups have Satan…Th...

Civilization being caressed by cannibals in Eli Roth's Green Inferno.

Horror History: Cannibalism in Cinema

To society as a whole, cannibalism represents the great taboo. Picturing yourself in a situation where such a practice is occurring is frightening no matter which role you place yourself in. If you ar...