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horror author

Book cover for A God in the Shed by J-F. Dubeau

Book Review – A God in the Shed by J-F. Dubeau

If you’re looking for some summer reading that is both unsettlingly gory and a fascinating supernatural mystery, then you need to pick up A God in the Shed. It is the second novel from prom...

Hellboy - Lovecraftian Horror Films - Hellboy

Lovecraftian Horror Movies That Need to be Seen

H.P. Lovecraft has become widely known as one of the greatest horror writers of all time. He is, at the very least, one of the most influential. He created whole worlds of creatures, whole mythologies...

An Unattractive Vampire

Book Review – An Unattractive Vampire is Witty and Engaging

An Unattractive Vampire is the tale of a centuries-old vampire named Yulric Bile, who is awakened after being trapped underground (in a house) for three-hundred years. He finds that the world has chan...