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high tension

Did High Tension Ape Intensity?

The Intensity of High Tension: A Look at Plagiarism in Horror

In a time of remakes, reboots, re-imaginings and so forth, the genre fan has a narrowed selection in terms of originality. This debatable lack of creativity divides audiences on a regular basis. Wheth...

The Thing

Seven Unanswered Questions in Horror Movies That Drive us Crazy

As much as we love to analyze and obsess over minute details in horror, it can be frustrating when there are so many unanswered questions. Horror can be full of plot holes, as can any other genre. And...

High Tension

Eight of the Most Effective Plot Twists in Horror

Everyone loves a good plot twist. We like to be taken on a ride when we go to the movies. The suspense, the build-up, we like not knowing something, but we also love to guess. I think that’s pa...

P2 is a Horror Holiday Classic Not to be Missed [The Rabid Dog’s House]

The Rabid Dog’s House is a recurring feature at Wicked Horror where contributor Justin Steele uncovers hidden gems, lost classics, and overlooked indie offerings with a little bite. Flying...

Intensity: More Reasons High Tension Ripped Off Dean Koontz [The Rabid Dog’s House]

The Rabid Dog’s House is a recurring feature at Wicked Horror where contributor Justin Steele uncovers hidden gems, lost classics, and overlooked indie offerings. Flying solo or with his c...

female killers Asami (Eihi Shiina) getting ready to engage in some torture in Takashi Miike's Audition.

Violent Femmes: Eight Horror Movies With Badass Female Killers

Horror is often thought of as a boys’ club. The slasher genre is dominated by guys like Jason, Freddy, Michael Myers, and Leatherface. Women tend to fill the role of victim or heroine–some...

Evil Ed Fright Night

Five Death Scenes That Made Us Sad and Uncomfortable

Horror films are, in general, built on death scenes. Even movies that aren’t slashers, like The Exorcist or The Omen contain infamous and brutal scenes. While not always the case, many of ...

High Tension

Five Disturbingly Obsessive Horror Movie Characters

Obsession plays a large part in horror. The genre is rooted in human action and while everyone tries to maintain the balance that society expects, sometimes people go over the edge. Love and relations...

Why High Tension Still Divides Fans 13 Years Later

High Tension, which is also known by the names Haute Tension and Switchblade Romance, is one of the most important horror films of the early 2000’s. It helped to usher in the movement now known...

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