Harrow County Volume 6: Hedge Magic comprises issues 21-24 of Harrow County, a horror-drama comic revolving around a small southern town and its residents, who are plagued ...
The Harrow County comic book series revolves around a small southern town that is plagued by magic and disturbing paranormal activity. As Harrow County Issue #24 begins, Emmy and Bernice have a showdo...
Harrow County is a horror-drama comic book series that revolves around a small southern town and its residents, who are plagued by supernatural forces. This new volume, Abandoned, focuses on...
Harrow County 13 launches a new story arc within the Eisner nominated horror series’ bizarre universe. Emmy has believed throughout the series that she is the only one of her kind because n...
It’s early December. Some may believe it is too early to choose my definitive list of favorite horror comics for the year. While it is possible that something will completely whisk me away...