The Nightmare on Elm Street franchise remains, to this day, one of the most acclaimed of all time. Unlike contemporaries like Friday the 13th and Halloween, every Elm Street sequel would at least pull...
By definition a silver fox is a handsome, grey-haired man. But, to me, a silver fox is much more than that. It is a man who has truly experienced life, a gent that is full of wisdom and accompli...
When a horror franchise becomes successful enough, it becomes forever embedded in pop culture. Jason and Freddy aren’t just monsters, they’re icons. And they’re icons that are ins...
There are certain horror movies and franchises that tend to set the standard for their era. In the ‘70s, there were a lot of isolated exploitation pictures inspired by The Texas Chain Saw Massa...
Once a horror movie becomes a franchise, it opens itself up to a brand new world of merchandising possibilities. Fans will be able to wear all manner of apparel, from T-shirts down to shoes. The more ...
It’s easy to think of some of the most disturbing deaths you’ve seen in a horror movie. People can likely think of those that had the most immediate, visceral impact. But in...
Nerd Block is a subscription mystery box that delivers geeky collectibles right to your door each month. You can choose whatever theme box you are into–there’s the Classic Block, Ar...
The slasher genre has always fallen under a critical eye for showcasing the deaths of teenagers as gratuitous fun. They are generalized as having no characterization and no depth of any kind. The...
Gift Guide is a recurring segment on Wicked Horror where we showcase horror-inspired gift ideas for you, or the horror fan in your life. Have an idea for something we should feature? Let us know in th...