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Found Footage Filmmaking

Ti West's The Sacrament.

Five Movies That Didn’t Need to be Shot as Found Footage

Found footage can be traced back a long time, at least to Cannibal Holocaust in 1980. It was The Blair Witch Project that really made the concept popular, especially in the horror genre, yet it took a...

Movie poster for The Encounter (2015)

Advance Review – The Encounter

[soliloquy id=”23084″] In a time where the found footage genre is seeming to wear thin for even its most staunch supporters, new films like these simply have to do something different from...

Advance Review – Hangar 10

The found footage genre is alive and well in 2014 – a genre that itself has spanned a series of sub-genres within itself. Hangar 10 is a British sci-fi thriller output that does not work as...

Lucky B*stard.

Lucky B*stard Takes a Stab at Social Commentary

I hadn’t given much thought to Lucky B*stard in some time. But screenwriter and producer Lukas Kendall reached out and asked if I would be interested in reviewing the film for the site, so ...