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fight club

Review: Chuck Palahniuk’s Legacy is a Novella that Incorporates Coloring and Fun

Chuck Palahniuk’s Legacy: An Off-Color Novella for You to Color is a hardcover book that posits the rather interesting concept of having a story unravel besides full-page illustrations that are...

Dark Horse Books Publishing A Dark Fiction Coloring Book This Fall

Dark Horse is releasing a coloring book that has a dark fiction story to enjoy along with coloring the black and white pages. Entitled Legacy: An Off-Color Novella for You to Color, the story rev...

Fight Club 2 - Comic

Comic Review: Fight Club 2, Issue 7

The first pages of Fight Club 2’s latest issue reiterates a fact that many may be reluctant to accept: This is a comic book and Palahniuk isn’t afraid to adopt the appropriate conve...

Advance Comic Review: Hellbound

Hellbound is one of those horror graphic novels that poses more questions than it answers at first glance. The cover looks like a painting from the VHS boxes of my childhood rather than some...

Fight Club 2 - Comic

Comic Review: Fight Club 2, Issue 4

As quickly as he made it there, Sebastian is swept from the oven and into the inferno, as the regime finally accepts him back into the club. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Marla bounds from spin...

Fight Club 2 - Comic

Comic Review: Fight Club 2, Issue 3

As last issue’s climax may have suggested, the lull of Fight Club 2 is over. Fresh from a recent, Marla-spurred beating, we are awarded both a literal and proverbial new face of Sebastian. Like...