One of Capcom’s most celebrated and successful franchises, Resident Evil, has had a long-running companion movie series that gives a different spin on the universe. While the movies take some l...
We’re seeing a lot of horror movies based on short films these days. Sometimes, the short will be made with the idea of a feature in mind, sometimes it will simply be a short that gains notorie...
Wicked Horror has just learned that director Breck Eisner (The Last Witch Hunter) is in negotiations to direct the latest installment in the rebooted Friday the 13th franchise. Deadline...
Wicked Horror has just learned that Saw executive producer Peter Block has snatched up the remake rights to Pumpkinhead. According to EW, he is currently in search of a direct...
Building upon his short of the same name, David Sanberg’s Lights Out is a welcome addition to the horror revival of the new millennium’s teen years. Family-centric horror is on the kind o...
During a recent interview with Variety, the outlet asked Michael Keaton the obligatory Beetlejuice 2 question: What do you know about the project? And his answer might surprise you. Turns ou...
San Diego Comic-Con is essentially the pop culture hub for the entire globe. It’s where everything gets revealed to an audience of thousands upon thousands of fans. From movies to TV shows, to&...
We previously revealed that both Fiona Dourif and Jennifer Tilly were on board to return for Child’s Play 7 when it happens and today we have gotten word that it may already be gearing up t...
Wow. Breaking news out of SDCC: LionsGate’s The Woods is actually a Blair Witch sequel called Blair Witch. The project was shrouded in secrecy until tonight when th...