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Five Horror Nods in the Fallout Series

The post apocalypse has always been that setting that resides right on the outskirts of the horror genre, lending itself to the kinds of action movies and games that aren’t afraid to get brutal...

Bethesda Runs Down Fallout 4’s Gameplay

With the E3 Electronic Entertainment Expo going on all this week in Hollywood, many gamers have been excited to see what we’ll get a closer look at and very few games have more hype right ...

Fallout 4 Announcement Trailer

It’s here! It’s finally here! After years of leaks, rumors, and flat out false announcements, Bethesda has not only officially announced Fallout 4, but they have graced us with a trailer. ...

Sally of the Wasteland

Comic Review: Sally of the Wasteland, Vol. 1

In post-apocalyptic Louisiana, a fiery, feminine fusion of Ash Campbell and Lara Croft blows the head off another wild Crawgator.  Written by Victor Gishler and illustrated by Tazio Bettin, Sally...