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felix baumgartner space jump

Surviving Great Heights – Near-Death Falls

A fall from 50–60ft would prove fatal to most people. But what about 10 or 100 times that height? If you’re plummeting from great heights without a parachute, the odds are against you.&#x...

near death experiences.

True & Terrifying Near-Death Experiences

A near-death experience (NDE) refers to personal experiences associated with impending death. Possible sensations are said to include detachment from the body, feelings of levitation, total serenity, ...

The poster for Christian Alvart's Case 39

Case 39 is Derivative but Entertaining [Review]

Directed by Christian Alvart and starring some big names including Renee Zellweger (Bridget Jones Diary), Ian McShane (American Horror Story) and Bradley Cooper (The Hangover), Case 39 is an ente...