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dog soldiers

Five More Horror Movies That Never Happened

Five More Horror Movies That Never Happened

There are plenty of ideas in Hollywood that never make it to the screen. Some get close. Some are already in production when the plug is pulled. Whether they be good or bad, a lot of movies just ...

Dog Soldiers 2002

How Dog Soldiers Separated Itself from Classic Werewolf Tropes

Dog Soldiers just turned fifteen years old last week. In that time since its release, it has proven itself to be one of the better, more beloved werewolf flicks of the modern era. It’s not...

Dog Soldiers 2002

Script to Pieces: Dog Soldiers: Fresh Meat

Welcome to Script to Pieces, a recurring feature at Wicked Horror where we look at the best, most interesting and at times most unbelievable horror movies that never happened. Sometimes...

Why You Should Watch Dog Soldiers–If You Haven’t Already

Dog Soldiers sees a squad of six soldiers are dropped into the Scottish Highlands on a training mission. They soon discover the remains of a Special Ops camp with only one survivor. Hoping t...

Why Werewolf Movies Are One of the Most Endearing Yet Unpopular Sub-Genres

Werewolf movies don’t get a lot of love. But they’re one of the classic monsters, that’s for sure. It’s not like the werewolf doesn’t exist in the public conscio...