[soliloquy id=”10319″] Written and directed by Alex Wright, Seance: The Summoning delves into the world of religion, paganism and demons. Seance: The Summoning revolves around a group of f...
The Travel Channel’s hit series Ghost Adventures will return this fall for its tenth season with 13 new one-hour episodes! The famous ghost hunting trio will remain in its Saturday night time-sl...
[soliloquy id=”6904″] Directed by David Jung, The Possession of Michael King explores the paranormal with devastating consequences. Michael King (Shane Johnson) is a family man with a...
As much as many say they are now bored with the Paranormal Activity franchise, I’m not. I love all the movies no matter how predictable yet confusing they’ve become and I will be checkin...
TV shows about Paranormal Investigators are all the rage, with an array of different programs to choose from. Here we list some of the most notable and exciting paranormal activity shows ever, but ple...
Insidious: Chapter 2, the sequel to the 2010 hit Insidious, directed by James Wan, takes us back to the very beginning. Patrick Wilson (The Conjuring) is again Josh Lambert, the husband and father who...
[soliloquy id=”5649″] The Conjuring is in the top five grossing horror movies of all time, so chances are many of you remember ‘Annabelle’, the creepy doll that just wan...
[soliloquy id=”3375″] Directed by Spanish director Manuel Carballo and written by David Munoz, Exorcismus is a good effort at the possession genre, which I personally enjoyed. Exorcismus s...
Directed by Christian Alvart and starring some big names including Renee Zellweger (Bridget Jones Diary), Ian McShane (American Horror Story) and Bradley Cooper (The Hangover), Case 39 is an ente...