Home » David J. Schow

David J. Schow

The Babyface killer from Dave Parker's 2009 meta slasher The Hills Run Red.

The Hills Run Red is a Criminally Underrated Slasher [Quarantine Retrospective]

While we’re on lockdown, I’ll be working on a series of retrospectives as I watch through my library. Many will be films I love but I may veer into less favorable territory from time to ...

Bad Luck 2010

Script to Pieces: Bad Luck

Welcome to Script to Pieces, a recurring feature at Wicked Horror where we look at the best, most interesting and at times most unbelievable horror movies that never happened. Sometimes...

Why Splatterpunk Should Make a Comeback

Splatterpunk was a term coined in the 1980’s by horror journalist and novelist David J. Schow. It is essentially defined as literary horror with graphically described scenes of gore, horror fic...