Dark Summer follows Daniel, a young man on house arrest for stalking and hacking into the social media accounts of a young outsider he suddenly becomes taken with. The conditions of his hous...
We have just learned that Artsploitation has acquired the Belgian horror film CUB for distribution. They will be releasing the film theatrically and on DVD and VOD. It’s being spe...
[soliloquy id=”18114″] My Bloody Valentine 3D is an important movie, maybe even in spite of itself. However, for me to properly explain why, you need to come on a journey with me. Allow me...
A few weeks back, I read an article about the effects the Internet has had on the music industry, and I was surprised. I knew that CD sales were down significantly, but the idea that they have al...
Coming shortly after the long-awaited announcement of an official release date, we now have a new one sheet to share with you for the vampire comedy What We Do in the Shadows. Check out the ...
[soliloquy id=”18587″] Welcome to Cult Corner where we dive through the bargain bins to determine if a movie is trash or treasure. Today’s pick… James Cullen Bressnack’s ...
[soliloquy id=”18443″] Wyrmwood is a movie about the zombie apocalypse (as many movies are these days). It follows two main plot threads. First off, we have Barry (Jay Gallagher) who teams...
Are you excited for Wolfcop? Good. You should be. It’s a fantastic little slice of Teen Wolf meets Robocop viewed through an old-school splatter film lens. Ever since the release of the muc...
[soliloquy id=”9510″] After previously announcing that What We Do in the Shadows would be released on a rolling basis to different US cities, we have now learned that the picture...