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Come To Daddy

Come to Daddy

Come to Daddy is Simultaneously Violent and Heartfelt [Blu-ray Review]

When I sat down to watch Come to Daddy, I almost immediately gathered that it was going to be tonally diverse. It opens with a quote from Shakespeare, followed immediately by a quote from Be...

Come to Daddy

Come to Daddy [Frightfest 2019 Review]

Come to Daddy is the directorial debut of one Ant Timpson, the super-producer behind some of the coolest horror movies of the last few years, including The Greasy Strangler, Housebound, and Turbo Kid....

Frightfest 2019 Opening and Closing Films Revealed

Frightfest’s bumper 20th year is just a couple months away but it still feels like ages. It’ll be another few weeks yet before we find out what the whole, likely-to-be-incredible lineup of...