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A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors

Nat’s Five (Additional) Picks to Watch on Halloween

We all have certain things that we love to watch around the Halloween season, if not on the day itself. Sometims they’re the movies that best represent the holiday for us, some have nostal...

Casper - All But Forgotten Kids' Horror Movies Worth Another Look

Why Casper is the Most Unsung Kids’ Halloween Movie

We all know the danger that comes with revisiting the movies that we loved as kids. It’s a fun exercise in nostalgia to go back and watch them—but the sad truth is that most of them don&...

Casper - All But Forgotten Kids' Horror Movies Worth Another Look

All But Forgotten Kids’ Horror Movies Worth Another Look

Kids’ horror tends to go overlooked, especially by older fans. The children who watch these film as their stepping stone into the genre tend to forget about them as soon as they move onto the m...