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bates motel recap

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Bates Motel Recap – Season 3 Finale

Another season of Bates Motel has come to a close and things are closer to Psycho than they have ever been. Things have changed fundamentally in this finale. The relationship between Norman and Norma ...

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Bates Motel Recap – Season 3 Episode 9

Things are winding down and we are only one week away from the season finale. But given everything that’s developed so rapidly this year, it almost feels like a series finale. Norman is so much...

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Bates Motel Recap: Season 3 Episode 8

The season of Bates Motel is coming closer and closer to an end, but it’s not winding down. If anything, the action is ramping up as we head toward the finale. Things are finally paying of...

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Bates Motel Recap – Season 3 Episode 7

So, this season of Bates Motel continues to develop nicely. As we get closer to the finale there’s definitely a feeling of finality in the air. Things aren’t necessarily starting to wrap...

Bates Motel on A&E

Bates Motel Recap – Season 3 Episode 6

This season of Bates Motel is really heating up, which makes sense as we’re technically in the back half now. A lot of things came to a head in this episode. Not everything, obviously, but...

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Bates Motel Recap: Season 3 Episode 5

This week’s episode saw a healthy balance of plot and character arc as things with Caleb finally built to a head. After being kept on the back burner in the last episode, Dylan is front and cen...

publicity still of Vera Farmiga and Freddie Highmore for Bates Motel

Bates Motel Recap: Season 3 Episode 4

This season of Bates Motel continues to pick up speed in the fourth episode, “Unbreak-Able.” While there’s not a lot of advancement on the plot side of things—all of t...