The Rabid Dog’s House is a recurring feature at Wicked Horror where contributor Justin Steele uncovers hidden gems, lost classics, and overlooked indie offerings with a little bite. Flying...
Parish Malfitano’s Bloodshot Heart opens in sun dappled Super 8, clear skies and endless horizon as waves crash gently to the shore. The score is lilting and sinister, and it is immediately appa...
Welcome to Back to the ’80s. This recurring feature aims to take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly from horror’s most beloved decade. Regardless of which category a particul...
The IMDb summary for Blood Vessel offers considerably more scene-setting information than the entire movie, which is really saying something, particularly considering the amount of references to ̶...
Not Quite Horror is back from the dead for 2020. After resting for a bit in its kind-of creepy but still-normal-enough-to-pass-as-regular crypt, our biweekly series returns. In each installment, Joey ...
The phrase “Jaws with [insert other creature here]” has been so overused over the past forty years as to render it redundant. In the case of inspired Aussie creature feature The Pack ...
This Australian gem centers around a boy named Brent who lost his Father in a car accident. He frequently cuts himself and suffers from severe depression. There’s a void between him and hi...
Horror is evolving as a genre. Although your local multiplex is still peppered with the usual contenders, look a bit closer and you’ll find the latest drama, thriller, or crime offering is clos...
At Frightfest 2014, a Spanish, post-apocalyptic thriller called The Last Days stunned audiences into submission, mostly because it was such a nice surprise and nobody really thought much of it based o...