I Am A Hero Omnibus Volume 4 is a horror manga that revolves around Hideo Suzuki, a 35-year-old manga artist. Hideo’s life is unfulfilling, he has no future job prospects (he is stuck with a low...
Kill all Monsters Omnibus Volume 1 is an upcoming book, from Dark Horse comics, about a parallel universe where humans’ technology is our downfall. In an apocalyptic world where humans are scarc...
The Survivalist revolves around an unnamed male figure, simply referred to as the survivalist, and his existence in an uncivilized, post-apocalyptic world. The survivalist spends his time making it fr...
Welcome to the newest, most posh high-rise in London. It’s forty stories tall and has all the latest technology and amenities a tenant could want–a gym, a pool, a spa, even a market. Young...
Made by military veterans, for military veterans, Range 15 is a zombie movie experience unlike any other. The film begins with a newly-retired soldier named Mat Best (playing himself) who finds himsel...
Within the horror genre, there are a seemingly endless stream of zombie movies that take place in a post-apocalyptic world. Movies such as Dawn of the De...
In case your zombie narrative ever seems dry, just throw a bit of water on it. Fortunately, Jay Gunn did a hell of a lot more than that to bring us Surface Tension, a five part miniseries published by...