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Angel season 11

Angel season 11 #4

Comic Review: Angel Season 11 #9

In a series of misadventures ranging from the prehistoric demon age to a nineteenth century ship, with both Angel and Illyria encountering and confronting their past selves, this issue sees the gang r...

Angel season 11 #4

Comic Review: Angel Season 11 #4

The first arc of Angel Season 11 has come to a close and it’s nice to see that it has a quieter finale than expected. After a great deal of action exploring how Illyria treated her worshippers ...

Angel season 11 #1

Comic Review: Angel Season 11 #3

The third issue of Angel is a little less action-packed, though there are still some big, exciting moments. Angel, Fred and Illyria are still stuck in the past while Illyria tries to stop herself from...

Angel season 11 #1

Comic Review: Angel, Season 11 #2

The first issue of Angel ended with Angel, Fred, Illyria and the readers being sent on a journey into the titular character’s past. It was a solid setup for a new kind of arc that the series ha...