Fried Barry is based on the 2017 short film of the same name. South African director Ryan Kruger expanded the original short into his first full-length feature film effort, currently showing at Fantas...
The Alien franchise makes up one of the most widely known and highly recognizable horror franchises in recent history, but there are far more alien films in the vast expanse of the horror genre. Our c...
From the director of The Blair Witch Project, Lovely Molly and segment “A Ride in the Park” from V/H/S 2, Eduardo Sanchez brings us Altered, a movie about aliens and issues. Sometimes, jus...
Directed and written by Scott Stewart, Dark Skies, takes its time in setting up the Barrett family household, but the characters are likable and the acting is good while the insidious invasion of thei...
[soliloquy id=”1148″] Absence is, well, for the most part pretty absent of any excitement. But I do love a found footage film and I eagerly awaited what was going to happen. Absence teases...