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2021 horror

The Last Matinee is a Gloriously Gory Throwback [Review]

From the opening strains of Power Glove’s classic power-pop anthem “Motorcycle Cop,” we know we’re in safe hands with The Last Matinee (aka Al Morir La Matinée). A Spa...

The Queen of Black Magic is Not for the Fainthearted [Review]

“Remake” is a dirty word in horror, to the extent the recent re-imagining of Eli Roth’s execrable Cabin Fever led to much pearl clutching throughout the community (as though the o...

The Night is Highly Derivative, By the Numbers Paranormal Horror [Review]

The Night, the latest offering from Iranian filmmaker Kourosh Ahari (The Yellow Wallpaper, Generations), is the first film produced in America to get a theatrical release in Iran since the country...