Home » Vlog Has Blood And Gore Galore [Review]

Vlog Has Blood And Gore Galore [Review]

vlog movie review

Vlog is definite blood and gore galore! Directed by Joshua Butler, if you hate the site of blood, this is not for you. This film is from the producers of SAW, Twisted Pictures, so what are you expecting, flowers and perfume?

Now before I get any backlash by saying I enjoyed it I would say there are A LOT worse out there and I again feel the need to say, I DO NOT DISSECT FILMS. I will not watch many trailers, let someone tell me all the good parts, or wonder what’s going to happen throughout the film. That’s not because I’m stupid and can’t guess or do not unconsciously know what’s going to happen sometimes, I just try to switch my brain off, relax and just enjoy films as they unfold. If you do that with this film, and with many films, you’ll probably enjoy them more.

Anyways, Vlog. Now this is definitely not for the weak stomached. I’ve never not being able to watch something but I made a friend watch this after me and he said he had to look away at some scenes, the whimp. Anyway, I quite like the story. I personally don’t find the lead who plays herself, Brookes Marks, annoying or unlikable like I’ve been told by other friends I made watch this. I enjoyed the webcam shots and the social experiments of hers.

I thoroughly enjoyed the videos sent to Brooke and how they panned out. The kill scenes are excellent for the most part and realistic. A couple were unique and different, which was why I wanted friends to watch so I could talk about them afterwards. (I always do this).

The negatives I have are with the police and the nightclub scene. Both stupid. You might get what I mean when you watch it without me giving anything away.

This film was never released theatrically and is only 71 mins in length. It was an experiment in online movie distribution, so we take that into consideration when giving its score. Overall if gore and blood are your thing you’ll probably appreciate Vlog, and if it’s not you’ll probably hate it. And Brooke Marks too.


Title: VLOG


Director: Joshua Butler
Writer: Joshua Butler
Stars: Brooke Marks, Denyce Lawton, Skyler Caleb
Year: 2008
Studio/ Iceblink Films, Twisted Pictures
Language: English
Length: 71 mins
Sub-Genre: Slasher, Found-Footage

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Written by Nicola Odeku
Nicola Odeku is the co-founder of Wicked Horror. After managing a fashion and lifestyle magazine, in addition to writing her own published relationship articles, Nicola set up team with Arturo and followed her genuine love for horror. Also known as Miss Horror, Nicola is a big fan of hardcore gore, anything demonic, and disturbing cinema. Also cats. She looooves cats. Nicola enjoys traveling, sitting on a beach and eating cake.
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