Home » Short Review: Blind Date Shows Great Promise For Its Writer-Director

Short Review: Blind Date Shows Great Promise For Its Writer-Director

Blind Date is a short horror feature written and directed by Rob Rotondo, who is no stranger to the scene. While Blind Date is his first writing and directing credit, Rotondo has previously worked as the production designer for three horror movies; Infected, Loosies, and Inkubus. He notes that his inspiration for his first short film comes from The Twilight Zone and Tales from the Darkside, but Black Mirror fans should also find much to enjoy here also.

From Parted Sky Pictures, Blind Date revolves around a melancholy cynic named Nicole (played by Sarah-Doe Osborne, Prometheus Trap) who resents the fact that she was born blind. Initially, we see her struggle with everyday tasks, but instead of being gentle with herself, she is visibly upset every time she feels the consequences of her disability. She then goes on a blind date, hence the double entendre, and meets an apprehensive Trevor (played by Johnny Cicco, Elysium). The date goes well, but this is where the film takes a dark turn as it takes a swerve to document Nicole’s obsession with being “normal.”

Blind Date 2

Overall, this short shows great promise for fledgling director and writer Rotondo. The pacing is great and the storytelling spot on, distracting the viewer from the fact that the entire film is just shot using just four sets. Blind Date has a distinctive anthology feel to it, and would arguably fit in perfectly in a Twilight Zone or Black Mirror episode. It takes its central idea and follows it through to completion, with enough information to be satisfied with the ending, but just enough ambiguity to want to ask more questions about the time before it takes place. It’s worth noting that Blind Date has already won several film festival awards for audience selection and official selection.

My only complaint really comes from certain nuances associated with making an indie short film that if you can get over, and even find endearing, aren’t that bad. For example, there is only one scene with sketchy CGI and some audio issues, but they do not take away from the concept of the film, thankfully. I highly recommend that you sit down, relax, and enjoy this Blind Date.

Watch Blind Date on Vimeo now at the following link

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Written by Syl
Syl is a professional criminologist who shamelessly spends her time listening to true crime podcasts, watching horror films, and bringing real life horror to her written pieces.
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