Home » Five More Australian Horror Films to Watch After the Babadook

Five More Australian Horror Films to Watch After the Babadook

Anti Valentine's Day Films Australian horror the loved ones directed by sean bryne

A few days ago, we took a look at Five Australian Horror Films to Watch After the Babadook. It garnered quite a bit of attention and suggestions from readers, so we’re following it up today with five more Australian horror films that you should watch. Have we left off your favorite? Please give it a shout-out in the comments section below!

The Tunnel (2011)

In The Tunnel, a news team investigates a series of homeless people going missing in the abandoned train tunnels beneath Sydney. This Australian take on the found footage/mockumentary style comes off like a cross between The Blair Witch Project and 1973’s Raw Meat. It won’t convert any FF detractors, but those who still have a soft spot for them will likely enjoy this. (Note: Much of this film takes place in dark locations, so try to remember that “Torch” equals “Flashlight” in Australian).

Inside the bloody room in 2011's The Tunnel

The Loved Ones (2009)

When troubled high schooler Brent turns down the even more troubled Lola’s invitation to prom, she decides he just needs a little more convincing. Held captive in a pseudo-prom environment, he lives to regret his decision. It’s a down and dirty down-under take on the torture film subgenre, but it has a pitch black humor streak that you don’t typically associate with films of this ilk.

Around the dinner table in 2009's The Loved OnesBody Melt (1993)

A drug company and a health resort team up to test the next great weight loss drug on the unsuspecting populace of a small town near Melbourne, but one of the nasty side effects results in the titular affliction. With some truly over-the-top special effects, a muddled plot line, and one of the most WTF sex scenes ever captured on film, this is far from a good movie, but it has cult status written all over it.

Face melting from 1993's Body MeltRazorback (1984)

This grim “animals attack” exploitation film makes the outback seem like a truly bleak and desolate place, where new horrors always lie just over the horizon. If it isn’t some greasy kangaroo hunter who is trying to rape and kill you, it’s some giant boar that is impervious to bullets. It suffers a bit from cliched character reactions, but still remains a fun and effective horror—it’s Pig Jaws, people!

Killer razorback boar from 1984's RazorbackRogue (2007)

Writer-director Greg McLean followed up his gritty outback slasher Wolf Creek with this vicious killer crocodile film. Sure, we’ve all seen this type of movie before, but who knows the subject better than the Aussies? Strong performances and a brisk pace help it to surpass its B-movie trappings, making it one hell of a thrilling ride that doesn’t get the attention it deserves.

Down in the drink in 2007's Rogue

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Written by Jonny Metro
Jonny Metro is a cult and horror film fanatic, a latter-day beatnik, and a would-be writer. When he's not toiling away in retail hell, he can be found contributing to Wicked Horror and blogging at his own site. He lives in Colorado with his wife and a whole slew of imaginary friends.
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