Home » Latest Clip From Clown Will Make You Cringe

Latest Clip From Clown Will Make You Cringe

Poster for Eli Roth's Clown.

We’re just a week away from the Eli Roth-produced Clown (hitting theaters and VOD on June 17th) and anticipation is high.

To date, we’ve been gifted a super-creepy theatrical trailer for the upcoming body horror flick, along with a suitably tense clip and image gallery.

And now, we’ve got another little one-minute look at what’s in store on the 17th, to whet our appetites even further. Check out the cringe-inducing clip below for yourself, to get an idea of what we’re in for (get the Wicked Horror verdict on the flick right here).

Clown was helmed by Jon Watts, produced by Eli Roth, and stars Andy Powers, Peter Stormare, Laura Allen, and Elizabeth Whitmere.

The movie follows a young father (Powers) who dons an old clown suit when the performer scheduled for his son’s birthday party backs out at the last minute. Everything seems to be going well at first, but when he tries to take the costume off, he discovers that it is permanently affixed to his body. The poor man soon learns that the suit is possessed by a demon and has a mind of its own.

You can see for yourself some of his efforts to remove the suit in the video below.


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Written by Joey Keogh
Slasher fanatic Joey Keogh has been writing since she could hold a pen, and watching horror movies even longer. Aside from making a little home for herself at Wicked Horror, Joey also writes for Birth.Movies.Death, The List, and Vague Visages among others. Her actual home boasts Halloween decorations all year round. Hello to Jason Isaacs.
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