Home » A Disgusting Supermarket of Death by Jim Harberson Available Now!

A Disgusting Supermarket of Death by Jim Harberson Available Now!

A Disgusting Supermarket of Death

Fans of horror fiction should take note of the latest release from author Jim Harberson. Available now, A Disgusting Supermarket of Death features twenty-two short stories by the author. 

As the title suggests, death is the theme that links the stories, but each features a unique premise. Within the pages you’ll find characters from all walks of life.  These characters are either facing or inflicting death upon others. The stories are dark, yet peppered with humor. Horror fans will be intrigued by the synopsis, which mentions “hard-boiled shorts about satanic Christmas movies, performance art euthanasia, child sacrifice skincare, and other demented goodness…”

The contents section of the book also provides a brief synopsis of each story. This is a positive feature for those who may want to avoid certain topics or read in order of interest. Between the back cover copy and the content synopses, it’s clear the book contains horror tropes to interest a variety of readers. 

Harberson is also the co-author of a graphic novel titled Stay Alive. It follows the story of a starlet seeking to reignite her career in an unconventional manner. In this story, she becomes a contestant on a reality show about surviving a serial killers’ murder attempts. This serial killer theme is also present in the author’s new short story collection. It’s a theme which may also appeal to readers with an interest in true crime. Reviews for the graphic novel describe it as both humorous and horrific– a trend likely to be found in this latest release as well. 

A Disgusting Supermarket of Death is published by Markosia Enterprises and is available for purchase in paperback and e-book here.

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