Home » 4 Dead, 5 Stabbed: Who Else Survived Hell Fest? [Exclusive]

4 Dead, 5 Stabbed: Who Else Survived Hell Fest? [Exclusive]

Hell Fest

Gregory Plotkin’s Hell Fest came out a month before Halloween last year, telling the permagold story of a murderer on the loose at a Halloween festival. Is it a real dead body or a prop? Only the smell will tell! The film effectively mixes in the jump scares of a Trail of Terror with the actual danger of the slashing “the Other.” Plus horror icon Tony Todd hams it up as the Barker! It’s a lot of fun, but in the end [spoilers ahead] observant viewers will notice that the newscast voice over says that there were four killed while five characters were stabbed in the present day story.

We did some digging (tweeting at Plotkin late in the evening counts as investigative journalism, right?), and found out who the survivor was!

We asked:

.@GregoryPlotkin I watched Hellfest this afternoon and I liked it a lot! I was wondering at the end though, why was there a discrepancy between the number dead on the news (4) and those we saw get stabbed on screen (5)? Do we have to wait for the sequel for answers?

And he answered:

Hi.  I couldn’t stand the thought of Taylor getting killed so she actually survived. (even though it all happens off camera)  Great catch and I’m glad you enjoyed the film! Thanks!

So there you have it. Taylor (played by the supremely talented Bex Taylor-Klaus) survived! We’ve got our fingers crossed that we’ll see her in the sequel. 

Check out our review of Hell Fest here!

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Written by Ryan C. Bradley
Ryan C. Bradley (he/him) has published work in The Missouri Review, The Rumpus, Dark Moon Digest, Daikaijuzine, and other venues. His first book, Saint's Blood, is available from St. Rooster Books now! You can learn more about him at: ryancbradleyblog.wordpress.com.
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