Home » Here’s How We Can Save Halloween 2020!

Here’s How We Can Save Halloween 2020!

Halloween Most outrageous deaths in the Halloween franchise - Halloween Returns

It goes without saying that this year hasn’t gone according to anyone’s plan. Between COVID-19 and the tragic passing of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, I think we all long for some measure of hope and community, now more than ever before. Our hearts go out to all those who have been affected during these troubling and unprecedented times. We are truly all in this together. 

Our community spends roughly 364 days a year looking forward to Halloween. It’s a day where people from all different walks of life come together to celebrate all things macabre. However, it is clear that this year will be different than any other. So, that begs the question: How can we save Halloween 2020?

This year might be the best opportunity for something of a throwback in tradition. Perhaps we have become so accustomed to bar hopping, parties, social gatherings, and the like, that we have forgotten some of the subtleties that make this holiday so great!

I sincerely hope that things will be closer to normal by October. But I’m hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. With that in mind, I have put together a few suggestions for how you can enjoy the upcoming Halloween season, even if it’s from a distance! 

Haunt Your House 

It’s still sort of up in the air if it will be safe to Trick or Treat this year due to social distancing concerns and candy bowls being a breeding ground for bacteria. But that doesn’t keep you from going all out decorating your homes! Many of us have countless pieces of décor mothballed from Spirit’s end of season closeout sales. And now is the time to put it to good use! For one month, show us what you’ve got in your collection, and liven up your neighborhood with the creepiest goods you have! If you’re missing a piece, or two, start shopping online! Or, better still, get creative! What’s more, if haunted houses are going to be out of the question this year, why not give your community something they can enjoy with a simple drive around? We’ve got nothing but time, let’s see what you’ve got! 

Movie Marathons

Why not take in a horror movie marathon one October weekend? Or any time, for that matter! Is there ever really a bad time for a horror  movie? I certainly can’t think of one. 

When was the last time you actually sat down and watched Night of the Living Dead, or The Thing from Another World, or hell, Halloween? There is a lost art in classic horror that every fan should  experience. And even if it may not be feasible to have a group of friends over this year for a marathon watch, you can have a virtual movie night over Zoom! Perhaps you can even take this opportunity to introduce a friend or family member to a classic they’ve never seen. 

Attend a Convention or Film Festival (From Home)

Many conventions and film festivals are making efforts to move the festivities online. Some cons are even getting autographs out to fans via mail. While half the fun of a convention is meeting your favorite icons in person, this is a great stopgap to hold us over until things return to normal. Taking part in remote cons and festivals is also a great way to support actors and creators who are out of work due to COVID.  

In closing, let’s all do what we can now to end this pandemic as soon as possible. Stay home. Stay safe. Be smart. And be respectful! And let’s all do our part to save Halloween 2020!

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Written by The Horror Seeker
Hello, all! I am someone who enjoys a good scare now and again, only thing better is delivering such to some unsuspecting folks! I write for a number of sites, and manage my own page which I look to develop into a domain of my own. I am looking to take my love of horror and go the distance with my fiction and screenplays, hoping to make a professional career out of it all one day!
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