Home » Henry Darrow McComas on Wolfman’s Got Nards [Frightfest 2018 Exclusive Interview]

Henry Darrow McComas on Wolfman’s Got Nards [Frightfest 2018 Exclusive Interview]

Henry Darrow McComas may not be a name you’ve heard before, but the prolific producer, director, editor, and writer has been working away steadily in the background for years on projects vast and varied. The Alaskan native finally comes to the fore with the release of Wolfman’s Got Nards, a long-gestating documentary on fan favourite kids’ horror movie The Monster Squad.

Working with an actual Squad member as director and co-writer, in the form of Stephen King-shirt wearing Sean, AKA André Gower, there was little danger that super-fan Darrow McComas would let anything that would risk disappointing fans end up onscreen. Indeed, Wolfman’s is one of the liveliest and most fascinating horror docs you’re ever likely to see.

Loaded with heart, wit, and plenty of fascinating behind-the-scenes info, the flick straddles a difficult line between paying homage to the movie and the fandom surrounding it and questioning its overall appeal. Gower also features himself, alongside other key Squad members, as they embark on a tour celebrating the movie’s anniversary, which takes them from Texas to the U.K.

Related: Wolfman’s Got Nards Rules So Hard [Frightfest 2018 Review]

In fact, watching the doc in the Prince Charles Cinema in London (the coolest indie cinema in the world bar none — don’t @ me), where the film sold out its anniversary screenings, made the experience even more special. It’s evident that Wolfman’s came from a place of love and respect, particularly in the doc’s many interviews with super-fans both famous and otherwise.

The Frightfest synopsis knows what’s up:

A heartfelt love letter to the entire history of Fred Dekker’s 1987 cult classic The Monster Squad, from the cast and crew members who brought the faux Universal creatures to life, to the obsessed fans and horror filmmakers who wouldn’t be where they are today without it. Dekker’s family frightener initially tanked at the box office but found a second life on VHS and cable TV. For years the creators were unaware of the phenomenon growing on the genre fan fringes and this superb documentary details how it happened and why decades later an entire community refuse to let go.

Directed by Andre Gower and starring celebrity fans including Adam Green, Joe Lynch, and Jackson Stewart, along with must-see interviews with Squad originators Shane Black and Fred Dekker, Wolfman’s Got Nards is hilariously candid, fascinating, and surprisingly emotional all in good measure.

Also See: Matthew Holness Talks Possum [Frightfest 2018 Interview]

Wicked Horror caught up with producer Henry Darrow McComas to discuss the difficulties of making a fan documentary, the continuing popularity of The Monster Squad, and the horror-adjacent project he’s got coming up next (also, the shirt is from Fright Rags but sadly it’s sold out).

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Interview conducted by: Joey Keogh
Camera: Richard Waters
Editing: Richard Waters

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Written by Joey Keogh
Slasher fanatic Joey Keogh has been writing since she could hold a pen, and watching horror movies even longer. Aside from making a little home for herself at Wicked Horror, Joey also writes for Birth.Movies.Death, The List, and Vague Visages among others. Her actual home boasts Halloween decorations all year round. Hello to Jason Isaacs.
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