Home » Evil Easter Bunnies in Terrifying Family Photos

Evil Easter Bunnies in Terrifying Family Photos

Terrifying Easter Bunny pics

Easter sees many parents getting their kids dressed up in their Sunday best for a photo op with the Easter Bunny.  The kids are all jacked up on sugar and the parents are usually delighted with just how cute their precious memories look in a photo album. But cute is the wrong word for the bunnies depicted in the images below. Terrifying is probably a better descriptor for the snapshots you are about to see.

At Christmastime, there are some pretty creepy Santa pics out there (we took a look at those a while back, you can check those out here), but at Easter, it seems things get even sketchier.

Death and resurrection may not be the most traumatizing thing about this holiday, and contrary to popular belief, a man in a bunny suit and small children are not always a good match. Leporiphobia is fear of the evil bunnies, and if you are one of the youngsters depicted below, chances are, you have it. Look on for fifteen of the creepiest Easter Bunny pictures ever captured.

This bunny’s eyes say it all. And you just know he has an equally evil laugh to rival those sinister eyes and sharp teeth. Image via Ego TV Online

Creepy easter bunny photos.

Everything about this bunny is wrong. The smirk, the eyes and where does that hand think it’s going? Image via Via She Walks Softly

Creepy easter bunny family photos.This bunny seems to be auditioning for a role in the next Sinister film. That poor child. Image credit: via Sketchy Bunnies.

The most evil easter bunny family photos.This bunny looks like he would fit perfectly in a follow up to the slick home invasion film You’re Next. Image Credit: Sketchy Bunnies.

Evil easter bunny pics.The “I thought a mask would look creepy” bunny. Image Credit: BuzzFeed.

Evil easter bunnies on Resurrection sunday.Let me show you the meaning of Resurrection Sunday bunny. The look of fear in that poor child’s eyes really says it all. Image from Awkward Family Photos.

Super creepy easter bunny family photos.This homespun costume and the creep wearing it have clearly done more harm than good for this poor child. Image from BuzzFeed.

Evil and creepy easter bunny family photos.Remove the heart-shaped nose and ears and this bunny could be one of the masked intruders from The Strangers. Surely, that child is smiling in fear. Image Credit: Pinterest.

Scary easter bunny photos.This crosseyed, mange-ridden bunny looks like he could be suffering from a bevy of other issues, as well. Does anyone else see the striking resemblance between the child in the photo and Thomas from The Orphanage? Photo via The National Affairs Desk Blog.

Award and creepy easter bunny family photos.A wolf in bunny’s clothing, perhaps? Dear God, those poor children look like they are being tortured. Image via Reddit.

Terrifying evil easter bunny family photos.This bunny looks like he could have come straight from the set of American Horror Story. Image from Reddit.

Evil easter bunnies.The “I’m taking you to hell with me” bunny. Since when are bunnies red?! Image via The ChiveEvil easter bunnies.That poor boy isn’t the only one worried about what that bunny plans to do with that carrot. Image credit: Reddit.

Super creepy easter bunnies.I can’t definitively determine if this bunny is high, drunk, or both but I can say, with total certainty, that he shouldn’t be anywhere near children. Image via Sketchy Bunnies.

Creepy easter bunny pics.This poor little girl clearly took a Wrong Turn sitting on this bunny’s lap. Image via Reddit.

Creepy easter bunnies.

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Written by Nicola Odeku
Nicola Odeku is the co-founder of Wicked Horror. After managing a fashion and lifestyle magazine, in addition to writing her own published relationship articles, Nicola set up team with Arturo and followed her genuine love for horror. Also known as Miss Horror, Nicola is a big fan of hardcore gore, anything demonic, and disturbing cinema. Also cats. She looooves cats. Nicola enjoys traveling, sitting on a beach and eating cake.
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