One of the best things about being an adult is eating disgustingly sugary cereal at any time of the day or night. And, if you usually chow down over a horror movie, like the rest of the cool kids, artist Joe Simko has the perfect collectable to feast your eyes upon mid-bite.
With his Cereal Killers project, Simko has created a line of art sticker cards depicting fictional, but delicious-sounding, cereals based on some of our favourite horror movies.
He’s also a dab hand with clever puns, for example “Children Of The Corn Flakes” (see image below).
In an interview with Vice, Simko described his inspiration thus:
“When I started to design the look and feel of the Cereal Killers, I wanted to invoke a tribute to that 1980s collectible world of gross-out celebration for kids. Just like Garbage Pail Kids, Madballs, Boglins, and many others successfully achieved during that 80s time.”
The sticker cards certainly have a super-colourful, eighties look to them, evocative of the gore-fest flicks Simko, and the rest of us, loved growing up.
And, not only do they obviously come from a cereal aficionado, but the attention to detail speaks to a lifetime of horror obsession. Check out the rest of the rest of the artwork below (The Exorcrisp looks particularly delicious):