This coming winter, three new titles will be released that are set to expand the Hellboy Universe, also known as Mignolaverse. While during the Hellboy series, the red-horned hero and the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense have battled (and defeated) some notorious demons and villains, these new titles will revolve around three particular nasty characters in the Mignolaverse. Two will explore already known villains, Koshchei the Deathless and Rasputin, but the remaining set of issues will introduce the beloved Christmas murderer, Krampus, to the mix.
The first title is set for release on November 29, 2017. Rasputin: Voice of the Dragon will run for five issues, will be set in the past and involves the Third Reich, Professor Bruttenholm on his first mission, and, as the title suggests, the infamous unkillable man, the Russian sorcerer Rasputin.
Following it will be Hellboy: Krampusnacht One Shot, on sale December 20th, 2017 and described as a battle between Hellboy and the beloved child killer Krampus. The next set of issues which will be a set of six, Koshchei the Deathless, on sale from January 10, 2018. Now in Hell, Koshchei is reliving his tragic life before being enslaved to Baba Yaga, as well as his sins on his journey to immortality. Koshchei is surprisingly paired up with Hellboy as he unravels the heartbreaking details of his past.