Home » Harrow County Volume 6: Hedge Magic Turns Friends Into Foes

Harrow County Volume 6: Hedge Magic Turns Friends Into Foes

Horror Comics - Harrow County

Harrow County Volume 6: Hedge Magic comprises issues 21-24 of Harrow County, a horror-drama comic revolving around a small southern town and its residents, who are plagued by supernatural forces. Harrow County Volume 6: Hedge Magic takes place right after the events of Volume 5: The Abandoned but before protagonist Emmy can take a breath to relax one of her haints whispers that they are being hunted and murdered, possibly by one of her most cherished friends. Emmy quickly realizes that while she has been focused on protecting Harrow County from invading forces she neglected to recognize an internal conflict until it bubbles over.

Overall, Harrow County Volume 6: Hedge Magic delivers another knock-out performance. Harrow County consistently delivers excellent storytelling, compelling artwork, and characters with real, human depth and complexity that almost feel real. Hedge Magic brings the stakes from Emmy’s constant fight with invading forces to her front door and the stakes are raised more than they have ever been before because, if she cannot solve her haints’ problem, Emmy may not be able to protect Harrow County in general. Each moment will have you turning the pages in anticipation and will leave you at the edge of your proverbial seat until the very last page.

Harrow County Volume 6: Hedge Magic

If you have never given the Harrow County series a try, I highly recommend it for anyone who adores storytelling with a southern twist and good ol’ fashioned country, voodoo magic. The characters across the entire series are dynamic and their development throughout adds to the rich complexity of Harrow County. As someone who adores (and lives in) the south, it’s worth noting that there are many aspects of southern culture that are represented well here, that also add to the story and are not cliché or tropes that are made to be poked fun at.

Catch Harrow County Volume 6: Hedge Magic beginning October 11, 2017

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Written by Syl
Syl is a professional criminologist who shamelessly spends her time listening to true crime podcasts, watching horror films, and bringing real life horror to her written pieces.
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