There’s something great about a horror crossover. As much as fans like to say they’re above the gimmick of studios pairing up successful franchises just to make a quick buck, thereȁ...
How did we get here? Heralding an M. Night Shyamalan movie about a villain with dissociative personality disorder (previously known as split personality disorder) as the first, must-watch horror movie...
These are scary times for very many people. Times when the White House issues a statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day that somehow makes no mention of the Jewish people at all, let alone the six mill...
When horror makes an impact on the page, that impact is almost always translated to the screen. And if it doesn’t make it that far, there’s at least an attempt. Film adaptations of horro...
It’s commonly accepted that dinosaurs went extinct around 67 million years ago. There have been some wildly different theories as to the reason of the extinction. Some speculate that diseases w...
2016 was a killer year for horror. It was so good, in fact, that the reliably terrible studio offerings (The Darkness, The Other Side Of The Door, The Forest, et al) didn’t even make us too angr...
Every single person has a different definition of exactly what horror is. Some people—I’ve met plenty—claim that movies like The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Halloween and Black Chri...
Jason Voorhees has done some pretty weird things in his movie career. He’s fought a girl with telekinesis, he’s fallen down on the Manhattan subway, gone to space and gotten a robotic up...
For the most part, slashers are fun popcorn horror movies. We’re not meant to think too deeply about them. We’re not really meant to mourn for the passing of these characters, we’...